Spoons are part of the essential kitchen utensils. A well-made wooden spoon will be part of the kitchen for tens of years. Working with green wood and sharp tools and can be very relaxing. Spoon carving is very accessible craft that requires few tools and can be a great starter for anyone looking for beginning green woodworking
Creating a spoon both functional and beautiful from a tree is a real pleasure of green woodcarving. A spoon is basically a bowl and a handle that can have an infinity of different shapes. The important thing is to be able to make a spoon whose shape will give strength to its end use.
Simple tools are enough to discover the craft of spoon carving. Carving a wooden spoon is a great activity because the process has a lot of place for creativity. It's easy enough for anyone to learn and delivers satisfaction at any level of completion. Each spoons are carved using simple hand tools and come out as a beautiful handmade work and each one is unique
When a wooden spoon you made yourself feels smooth in ur mouth, you have completed the circle of being both producer and consume
There is a lot of thought that goes into creating something so common and so insignificant as a good wooden spoon. The carving of a spoon require so many things to be right for the spoon to be really functional, durable and beautiful.